[chuck-users] GenX ugen doc issue
Forrest Cahoon
2018-09-18 21:51:47 UTC
At http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/program/ugen_full.html#GenX, there is
a reference to RTCmix which uses an obsolete link so some sort of
half-forgotten documentation (redirects to
http://sites.music.columbia.edu/cmc/RTcmix/). The current doc is at
http://rtcmix.org/ but it appears that the makegen command is now obsolete.
The closest I could find is
http://rtcmix.org/reference/scorefile/maketable.php , the apparent
replacement, which contains a broken link to an old makegen page.

Not sure it matters, but it should probably be cleaned up. I personally
appreciate the link to RTCmix because I'd never heard of it before, but it
could probably be made to not be a link, or simply removed.
Brad Garton
2018-09-18 22:18:02 UTC
Forrest --

Yikes, sorry 'bout that! We retired the old "makegen" code quite awhile
ago. I didn't realize there were still links to it that people were
using! RTcmix is still very much alive and well, known-to-but-a-few. :-)
It's morphed into a library that is presently embedded for use inside
OpenFrameworks, iOS, Max/MSP, Unity (been working with it in Unity for
about 1.5 years, it's *really* fun!), and of course still standalone.

We moved to a completely new server system in the Music Department here at
Columbia, and it looks like the older RTcmix documentation got blitzed in
the process. I have a copy of it all and can put it back on-line if people
are clamoring for it.

In the meantime, CSOUND still uses this older system (CSOUND and
RTcmix/cmix share a common ancestor), and this may answer your questions
about how the GEN routines work:


Post by Forrest Cahoon
At http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/program/ugen_full.html#GenX, there
is a reference to RTCmix which uses an obsolete link so some sort of
half-forgotten documentation (redirects to http://sites.music.
columbia.edu/cmc/RTcmix/). The current doc is at http://rtcmix.org/ but
it appears that the makegen command is now obsolete. The closest I could
find is http://rtcmix.org/reference/scorefile/maketable.php , the
apparent replacement, which contains a broken link to an old makegen page.
Not sure it matters, but it should probably be cleaned up. I personally
appreciate the link to RTCmix because I'd never heard of it before, but it
could probably be made to not be a link, or simply removed.
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